Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is one of the new Power Therapies, also known as ‘Energy Psychology’ which are developed from the ancient Chinese meridian energy system – it is a form of emotional acupuncture without the needles, and is based on the premise that all negative emotions are the result of a disruption in the body’s energy.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) works by clearing the blockage or disruption by tapping on the end points of the body’s energy meridians (while thinking of a specific issue) which sends pulses of energy to re balance the body’s energy system in relation to that thought/specific issue. Shifting energy changes the way the brain processes information about a particular issue, and so tapping while tuned in to the issue is like rewiring or rerouting the brain’s conditioned negative response. You can imagine how liberating this is if you have suffered from a phobia, or traumatic memories. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) also works in the same way to release the limiting thoughts and beliefs that get in the way of your success, happiness, health and inner peace.
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